Saturday, November 3, 2018

Is God Whispering to You?

This past Thursday as I was having my morning quiet time with God, suddenly a thought came to my mind. For some unknown reason I was reminded of a gal that had helped me while I was grocery shopping a few weeks ago. She was so sweet and kind to me. I thought to myself, Lord why are you bringing to my mind this woman, today, right now. And then He whispered, “because she needs ME!” So, I thought, the next time I am in that store, if I see her, I will invite her to church. The church I just started attending is so awesome that I felt God was leading me to invite her. Not just invite her but offer to meet her and sit with her. So, I put that on the back burner of my mind and without even remembering my commitment, I went to this store yesterday and as I was walking out, who do you think was standing right there? So, I quickly maneuvered my basket over to her and reminded her of her kindness to me a few weeks ago. I told her that I really needed the help and she was just so sweet. She said, “I do remember you.” I mentioned that I had been thinking about her and that I wanted to invite her to go to church with me. Inwardly I was cringing as I began to realize what a crazy lady she must think of me. But to my amazement, she said that she and her family were new to the area and that she was looking for a church. She had always gone to church, even sang in the choir but since moving to Michigan City, hadn’t really found anything. So, I made a date to meet her at the upcoming Sunday service and then she began to share the difficulties that are going on in her life. By the end of our conversation, I had made a friend. Guys, God is a God of miracles. As I have been crying out to God to show me my purpose since moving to Michigan City, I can see that, God wants me to reach the lost for Him. To share my hurts, my joys, and my excitement for the Lord. I think what if I had not listened to that little voice that urged me to seek out Salena the next time I saw her. I was able to plant a seed and now God will send a harvest. Who knows, she may not show but I know that my seed is there, and it will sprout one day, not on my terms but on God’s. So, I encourage you to listen to the still small voice. There may be your own “Salena” just around the corner that God has a plan for. Have a blessed day!

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