Thursday, November 1, 2018

In My Distress, God was there!

A few Sunday's ago as my daughter, Gabby and I headed out to church, we talked about how excited we were. This visit to church would be my second but would be her first. We were chatting about how Satan had thrown a few road blocks up to keep us from going that morning. But, to our dismay, literally 3 minutes later, I told Gabby…”we’re getting a flat tire” and I slowly moved the car to the side of the road. We were so bummed, not just about the flat but more about missing church. The service would be starting in 10 minutes. So, I quickly gathered my wits, called roadside and found out that it had been just cancelled due to over usage. WHAT? But, they would be happy to contact a service for me at the low cost of $50.00. Ouch!!! Having just moved to the area, we were pretty much tapped out on resources. So I started thinking…”who do I call, who do I send a message to?” Then, it occurred to me, why don’t we do the exact opposite of what I usually do. I reached over to Gabby’s hand and said, “let’s pray”. We began to pray that God would send an angel to help us and at that moment I looked up and there was a man peering into our window. He asked if we were ok and I told him of our flat. He told me to pull my car into his driveway and that he would change the tire. Without noticing, I had pulled over at the end of his driveway. He had our flat changed within 10 minutes and we were back on the road and heading to church. We told “Ryan on 421” that he was our angel that God sent and that we would be forever thankful. We were in awe as we walked into the church service only 10 minutes late. We worshipped our Heavenly Father in way that brought us to tears because of the miracle God had done for us. In the depths of trouble, we cried out to God and He sent an angel help us.
So many times, I have faced troubles and have boxed God out because I don’t trust Him. I try to solve it my way but on Sunday, He showed me that He wants to help us, we just need to stop solving it our way and allow Him to solve it. Matter of fact, nowhere in the Bible does God give us a list of qualifications that we must meet to get His help. The saying, “God only helps those who help themselves” is one of the biggest lies that Satan uses to pull us away from God. The Truth, meaning the Word of God, says just the opposite. God wants to hear our prayers of need. Lamentations 3:25-26 says: “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord”. So, my friends, as you walk through life and the troubles come, make a commitment to do the opposite of what the world says….don’t try to solve things yourself. Go to God first and then wait! He’s going to “show up and show out” just like He did for Gabby and I. Then you’ll be worshiping God like you never have before. So, tell me your thoughts or share a story that you have about God “showing up and showing out”. I love you and have a blessed day. Also, comment below if I can pray for you.

Certain songs bring me so much hope as I listen to them. This song by Natalie Grant is so appropriate for this blog entry. As you face the troubles, like my flat tire, remember that God is the King of the world, don't box Him in. Take a listen, it is so great!

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