Saturday, October 15, 2022

My Hoosier Check


Hello, my friends, I want to share with you what a great and glorious God we have. This pic is from my journal. It has great meaning to me. A few days ago, my sister and I were praying together. We claim the verse found in Matthew 18:19, it says "that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them". That particular day, I was sad because it is such a struggle in terms of finances. These days buying groceries seems like a luxury. So as my sister and I began lifting up our prayers, she prayed for my struggles. Her words were something like this, "Lord please let LaDonna walk out to her mailbox today and let there be a check of some sort that could pull her out of her sadness." I tell you the truth that I went out to my mailbox that very same day and a check was there! It was a check from the State of Indiana. They had a surplus of funds and wanted to help us, Hoosiers out. MY MIND WAS BLOWN AWAY! So, of course, I praised God and promised to let those in my circle of influence know that our heavenly Father really does honor our prayers, especially when we are in agreement with other believers. Also, I like to create an entry in my journal that captures what God has done. Here is my tribute to God and His unbelievable love for me. He heard my cry for help. What are you feeling sad about today? Take that sadness to God and watch for a miracle. Also, who is someone in your life, that you trust to pray with every day or every other day? Make a commitment with them to pray together every day, every other day, once a week. God's word doesn't put a time limit or other restrictions or requirements on your prayers. Just do it. Oh, and by the way, my sister lives in Arkansas so our daily prayer time is with a face time platform so we can easily pop online, armed with our coffee, in our pajamas and invite God to join us. It's so cool. Let me know in the comments or DM me if there is anything we can pray for. BUT don't just lean into me, get going on your own little prayer group. I know that a year from today, if you do this, you are going to have a huge list of ways that God showed up and showed out. Loretta and I already have a huge list. I don't say this to brag, hear my heart, I share this journal entry to give you hope if that is what you need. Or maybe there is someone that you are close with that needs to hear this. Prayer works!

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